السبت، 25 يناير 2014

التسلط بين الشباب -5

المراجع :
1.   Patchin J. W.,
2.   Hinduja S.
3.   Agatston P.,
4.   Kowalski R.,
5.   Limber S.
(2012) Youth views on cyberbullying. In: Patchin J. W., Hinduja S. (eds) Cyberbullying prevention and response: Expert perspectives, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 5771.

1.   Agervold M.
(2007) Bullying at work: A discussion of definitions and prevalence, based on an empirical study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 48: 161172. doi:10/1111/j.1467-9450.(2007).00585.x.
1.   Li Q.,
2.   Cross D.,
3.   Smith P. K.
4.   Almeida A.,
5.   Correia I.,
6.   Marinho S.,
7.   Garcia D.
(2012) Virtual but not less real: A study of cyberbullying and its relations to moral disengagement and empathy. In: Li Q., Cross D., Smith P. K. (eds) Cyberbullying in the global playground: Research from international perspectives, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 223244.
1.   Li Q.,
2.   Cross D.,
3.   Smith P. K.
4.   Aoyama I.,
5.   Utsumi S.,
6.   Hasegawa M.
(2012) Cyberbullying in Japan: Cases, government reports, adolescent relational aggression, and parental monitoring roles. In: Li Q., Cross D., Smith P. K. (eds) Cyberbullying in the global playground: Research from international perspectives, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 183201.
1.   Aricak T.,
2.   Siyahhan S.,
3.   Uzunhasanoglu A.,
4.   Saribeyoglu S.,
5.   Ciplak S.,
6.   Yilmaz N.,
7.   Memmedow C.
(2008) Cyberbullying among Turkish adolescents. CyberPsychology and Behavior 11: 253261. doi:10.1089/cpb.(2007).0016.

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(2011) Cyberbullying: What counselors need to know, Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

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1.   Li Q.,
2.   Cross D.,
3.   Smith P. K.
4.   Bauman S.
(2012b) Cyberbullying in the United States. In: Li Q., Cross D., Smith P. K. (eds) Cyberbullying in the global playground: Research from international perspectives, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 143179.

1.   Beale A. V.,
2.   Hall K. R.
(2007) Cyberbullying: What school administrators (and parents) can do. The Clearing House 81: 812.

1.   Te Riele K.
2.   Beck K.,
3.   Cassidy W.
(2009) Embedding the ethic of care in school policies and practices. In: Te Riele K. (ed.) Making schools different: Alternative approaches to educating young people, London: Sage, pp. 5564.

1.   Beran T.,
2.   Li Q.
(2005) Cyber-harassment: A study of a new method for an old behaviour. Journal of Educational Computing Research 32: 265277. doi:10.2190/8YQM-B04H-PG4D-BLLH.

1.   Beran T. N.,
2.   Rinaldi C.,
3.   Bickham D. S.,
4.   Rich M.
(2012) Evidence for the need to support adolescents dealing with harassment and cyber-harassment: Prevalence, progression, and impact. School Psychology International 33: 562576. doi:10.1177/0143034312446976.
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1.   Bhat C. S.
(2008) Cyberbullying: Overview and strategies for school counsellors, guidance officers, and all school personnel. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 18: 5366. doi:10.1375/ajgc.18.1.53.

1.   Blaya C.
(2011) Cyberviolence et harcèlement: approaches sociologiques. La nouvelle revue de l’adaptation et de la scolarisation 53: 4766.

1.   Costabile A.,
2.   Spears B. A.
3.   Brighi A.,
4.   Fabbri M.,
5.   Guerra L.,
6.   Pacetti E.
(2012) ICT and relationships: Promoting positive peer interactions. In: Costabile A., Spears B. A. (eds) The impact of technology on relationships in educational settings, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 4554.

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1.   Jimerson S. R.,
2.   Nickerson A. B.,
3.   Mayer M. J.,
4.   Furlong M. J.
5.   Bulut S.,
6.   Gündüz S.
(2012) Exploring violence in the context of Turkish culture and schools. In: Jimerson S. R., Nickerson A. B., Mayer M. J., Furlong M. J. (eds) Handbook of school violence and school safety: International research and practice (2nd ed.) , New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 165174.

1.   Campbell M. A.
(2005) Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 15: 6876.

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1.   Cassidy W.,
2.   Bates A.
(2005) ‘Drop-outs’ and ‘push-outs’: Finding hope at a school that actualizes the ethic of care. American Journal of Education 112: 66102.

1.   Dunkels E.,
2.   Franberg G.-M.,
3.   Hallgren C.
4.   Cassidy W.,
5.   Brown K.,
6.   Jackson M.
(2011) Moving from cyber-bullying to cyber-kindness: What do students, educators and parents say? In: Dunkels E., Franberg G.-M., Hallgren C. (eds) Youth culture and net culture: Online social practices, Hershey, NY: Information Science Reference, pp. 256277.

1.   Cassidy W.,
2.   Brown K.,
3.   Jackson M.
(2012a) ‘Making kind cool’: Parents’ suggestions for preventing cyber-bullying and fostering cyber-kindness. Journal of Educational Computing Research 46: 415436. doi:10.2190/EC.46.4.f.

1.   Cassidy W.,
2.   Brown K.,
3.   Jackson M.
(2012b) ‘Under the radar’: Educators and cyberbullying in schools. School Psychology International 33: 520532. doi:10.1177/0143034312445245.

1.   Cassidy W.,
2.   Jackson M.,
3.   Brown K.
(2009) Sticks and stones can break my bones, but how can pixels hurt me? Students’ experiences with cyber-bullying. School Psychology International 30: 383402. doi:10.1177/0143034309106948.

1.   Patchin J. W.,
2.   Hinduja S.
3.   Collier A.
(2012) A ‘Living Internet’: Some context for the cyberbullying discussion. In: Patchin J. W., Hinduja S. (eds) Cyberbullying prevention and response: Expert perspectives, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 112.
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1.   Costabile A.,
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1.   Cowie H.,
2.   Jennifer D.
(2008) New perspectives on bullying, Maidenhead: Open University Press.

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2.   Crick N.,
3.   Werner N.,
4.   Casas J.,
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6.   Nelson D.,
7.   Grotpeter J.,
8.   Markon K.
(1999) Childhood aggression and gender: A new look at an old problem. In: Bernstein D. (ed.) Nebraska symposium on motivation, Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, pp. 75141.
Cross, D., Campbell, M., & Spears, B. (2012a, June). Cyberbullying research in Australia. Paper presented at the International Conference on Cyberbullying: COST ISO801, Paris, France.
1.   Li Q.,
2.   Cross D.,
3.   Smith P. K.
4.   Cross D.,
5.   Shaw T.,
6.   Epstein M.,
7.   Monks H.,
8.   Dooley J.,
9.   Hearn L.
(2012b) Cyberbullying in Australia: Is school context related to cyberbullying behaviour? In: Li Q., Cross D., Smith P. K. (eds) Cyberbullying in the global playground: Research from international perspectives, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 7598.
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1.   Davies C.
(2011) Digitally strategic: How young people respond to parental views about the use of technology for learning in the home. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 27: 324335. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2729.(2011).00427.x.

1.   Patchin J. W.,
2.   Hinduja S.
3.   Davis S.,
4.   Nixon C.
(2012) Empowering bystanders. In: Patchin J. W., Hinduja S. (eds) Cyberbullying prevention and response: Expert perspectives, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 93109.
1.   Costabile A.,
2.   Spears B. A.
3.   de Santo E.,
4.   Costabile A.
(2012) Media education: A new academic curriculum. In: Costabile A., Spears B. A. (eds) The impact of technology on relationships in educational settings, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 3042.
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1.   Costabile A.,
2.   Spears B. A.
3.   Del Rey R.,
4.   Sanchez V.,
5.   Ortega R.
(2012) Prosocial use of the internet in adolescence. In: Costabile A., Spears B. A. (eds) The impact of technology on relationships in educational settings, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 6676.
1.   Jimerson S. R.,
2.   Nickerson A. B.,
3.   Mayer M. J.,
4.   Furlong M. J.
5.   Demaray M. K.,
6.   Malecki C. K.,
7.   Jenkins L. D.,
8.   Westermann L. D.
(2012) Social support in the lives of students involved in aggressive and bullying behaviours. In: Jimerson S. R., Nickerson A. B., Mayer M. J., Furlong M. J. (eds) Handbook of school violence and school safety: International research and practice, (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 5767.
1.   DeSouza E. R.
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1.   Diamanduros T.,
2.   Downs E.,
3.   Jenkins S. J.
(2008) The role of school psychologists in the assessment, prevention, and intervention of cyberbullying. Psychology in the Schools 45: 693704. doi:10.1002/pits.20335.
DiBasilio, A. (2008). Reducing bullying in middle school students through the use of student leaders (Master’s thesis). Abstract retrieved from ERIC database (Record number ED501251).
1.   Patchin J. W.,
2.   Hinduja S.
3.   Donlin M.
(2012) You mean we gotta teach that, too? In: Patchin J. W., Hinduja S. (eds) Cyberbullying prevention and response: Expert perspectives, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 110127.
1.   Dooley J. J.,
2.   Gradinger P.,
3.   Strohmeier D.,
4.   Cross D.,
5.   Spiel C.
(2010) Cyber-victimisation: The association between help-seeking behaviours and self-reported emotional symptoms in Australia and Austria. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 20: 194209. doi:10.1375/ajgc.20.2.194.
1.   Dooley J. J.,
2.   Py ż alski J.,
3.   Cross D.
(2009) Cyberbullying versus face-to-face bullying: A theoretical and conceptual review. Journal of Psychology 217: 182188. doi:10.1027/0044-3409.217.4.182.
1.   Eastin M. S.,
2.   Greenberg B. S.,
3.   Hofschire L.

(2006) Parenting the internet. Journal of Communication 56(3): 486504. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.(2006).00297.x.

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